Quote Originally Posted by Tormachmaster View Post
Just what I was offered.
If they offered you 4 Axis Mill Pro for $1400 and you thought the extra $250 over the cost of DeskProto was too much, you are absolutely out of your mind. I highly doubt they offered the Pro version of 4 Axis for that amount. Mill Standard 4th Axis with 3 Axis Pro toolpaths, more likely. That is still more software than DeskProto by quite a lot, way more than the $200 difference in price. Deskproto isn't even on the same planet as 4 Axis Mill Pro, which includes morphing toolpaths like Between 2 Curves, etc. I don't know what it normally runs for return customers, but I'm going to guess it's usually well over double $1400, and that's still pretty inexpensive compared to other products with similar capabilities. And yes, you can compare it to those others listed pretty easily when you start talking about 4 Axis Pro and 5 Axis Pro. Most of them use the same CAM kernel as Bobcad anyways which is more a tribute to how great a value Bobcad is than a knock on the other companies. Those may not be inexpensive from Bobcad when you get to Pro level multiaxis versions, but they are far less expensive than most of the competition and every bit as capable.