Hi to all. I am new to CNC Zone, and am busy building a cnc router for balsa.
Reading through the various topics in the forums, I have come to learn a tremendous amount, especially about steppers and their drives. Thanks to all.
In return the following.
I am not Pic literate at all, yet I have been programming Pics for some years now, for various projects, with great success. (Given the HEX code, that is!)I think it is because I have found the most perfectly matched hardware/software combination. I will make this available to anybody from CNC Zone absolutely free of charge.
You need however to build your own programmer, BUT IT IS EXTREMELY SIMPLE. Three transistors, one buffer IC, some odds and ends and away you go.
No credit to me. The programmer circuit is called "P16PRO" by Bojan Dobaj, and the software is "winpicprog v1.91", all of which I found on the web as shareware, some two years ago. (I have just recently built three perfectly working "Lini"stepper drives using this equipment.
Here's what you do;
1. Download and install "Port95nt.exe" from this site:
http://www.driverlinx.com/DownLoad/DlPortIO.htm This establishes communications with your PC parallel port.
2. Send me an email at [email protected] and I will send back to you the circuit diagram in gif format,38kb, and the software as a zipped file 393kb, and perhaps a small "read me" txt file.
Please put "CNC Zone" in the subject field, else it may end up as spam.
3. I will gladly answer "help" emails on this set-up.
Note; The software will not run without the Port95nt installation.
Hope this is of help to someone.