
Having problems with the Y-axis faulting / disabling, again.
I suspect that I'm getting current faults as that has been the issue in the past.
The weird thing is that the program I'm running is just doing a surfacing on MDF.
So, only moving in the Y and very light cuts - so shouldn't be generating an
over-current condition. Faults in the middle of the pass - so already at a constant
speed. I'm wondering if this could be a noise or ground issue.

1) Could the fact that both of the Y-axis drive are on the same channel (B) be an issue?
Should they be split between A & B?
Change from (0, 2, 1, -1) to (0, -1, 1, 2) or something like that?
Looking back through the init code there are only 2 current limit code lines


Guessing this is for A / B vs motor outputs 0-3 / 4-7?

2) Is it possible to add / change the filter in the current sense to ADC patch to help
deglitch any spikes that may go overcurrent?
I have the appropriate equipment - full smt production and rework lines in house.

3) What ground paths or noise paths would be the most likely culprits?
I.E., what signals would be most likely to be receptors that could aid in a fault condition?
