On one hand I got a really good price but I would have paid more! Actually I made the bench for it the year before when the price was still up there. I'm just kinda !@#$%^& at all the crap people had to say about it without ever seeing one! Now the world can't buy a small South Bend when their gone. You asked me once why I bought it and one answer I left out, I wanted a South Bend, and nothing else. Also there were no reviews, I think there were buyers but people like to see a review! How many jewelers, watchmakers, etc. etc. are going to buy a 10K, they don't need that much machine.
Sorry about my rant.

BTW hope your sale goes well and I'll be continuing with this thread. I have heat in the shop but the insulation's no done and I don't want to continue with the spindle break in until I can warm it up some in there. Don't want to mess up the spindle bearings.