See image below. It is a cheek piece adjusting mechanism from an Anschutz target rifle. As I hobby I make target rifle stocks for some of my club mates and this would be a common part that is used. I am pretty good at woodworking, but also pretty clueless about all things metal. It seems to me that $150 is kinda pricey for the part shown below and looking for a lower cost alternative. I have researched possibly getting a mill and it seems like it would be possible to make something similar myself, but I'm also interested in looking at maybe finding a company that could make them for me. I'd be interested in maybe buying 50-100 of them at a time. But with my limited metalworking knowledge, I don't even know what terms to Google for to find companies that could make something like this. What would be the name of the manufacturing process to make something like this, i.e. "Custom Aluminum XXXXXX"?