I'm getting ready to mill 10 concave-funnel-shaped pockets that will be .125" deep at their lowest point and .30" wide at their widest point. (6061 aluminum)

I'll be using an 1/8" ball nose carbide end mill to do this pocketing on my 770 mill.

Here's my question:

I'm wanting to mill these pockets so that I don't have to go back and smooth out any machining marks. If possible, I'd like to get a smooth finish the first time around. Otherwise I'll have to make my pockets small and go back and polish to size.

I've done pocketing before but not this small and not on a CNC Mill.

Laying it out was no problem and running the simulations was no problem but, never having done this size and shape of pocket, my expected outcome is the problem.

Any tips or insight from those of you who have first hand knowledge of such projects?

Please forgive any rudeness that may come across from the following statement. Rudeness is not the intent but, the simpler the answer the better.

Some of the folks here have such a vast amount of knowledge that the simplicity of the answers tend to get lost in the explanations of the answers.

I realize that some answers require some explanation but, if you can help it please, no lectures .

Thanks very much for your help.
