I have this Custom Macro Program in my

Miyano TSV-21 Controll Fanuc 0M-A

N100 G65 H81 P800 Q#1000 R1;
N150 G65 H81 P800 Q#1004 R1;
N200 G91 G28 Z0 M89;
N225 G49;
N250 G65 H82 P250 Q#1001 R1;
N300 M80;
N350 G65 H82 P350 Q#1006 R1;
N400 G30 Z0;
N450 G65 H82 P450 Q#1003 R1;
N500 M82;
N550 G65 H82 P550 Q#1004 R1;
N600 G28 Z0;
N650 G65 H82 P650 Q#1002 R1;
N700 M81;
N750 G65 H82 P750 Q#1005 R1;
N800 M99;

As we know this is Custom Macro A.

First Question :

I just wanna know that where can I find the variable "#1000-#1006" in the program which are Input interface variable.

Where can I found in the controller? If they located in Diagnostic, please inform me the no. I want to check the status of them.

Last Question :

"N750 G65 H82 P750 Q#1005 R1;"

This line shows us that if #1005 is not equal to 1 jump to N750.
If #1005=2 ,this will loop only in this line. Am I right?

Thank again for all people that both help and have kindness for me.

Best Regards,