I have been doing a lot of work researching and designing a new PWM motor controller board for use with universal type motors. in my case specifically the Dremel tools, but any universal motor can work.

I currently have a PWM system built and a dremel tool modified with the internal speed controller removed and the PWM system wired to the dremel tool and it works fantastically! I am now working on an optically isolated version to make it safer. I am also working on a speed feedback system as well.

I have been considering offering some version for sale if there is enough interest.

Versions that might be of interest would be:

1-basic - manual control with opto isolation of control circuits from the AC line. for dremel and trim routers etc. maybe a max of say 5 amps???

2- Med - manual control with speed feedback. same as above with feedback system

3- full bang - microcontroller control of speed. PWM and Step/Dir signal inputs, speed feedback, controlled start up and shut down. etc.

I could sell them as board/kits or full finished products if there was more interest one way or another. also possibly full kits with modified dremels etc.
