If it is an E-bay deal, you might want to keep looking - or take the chance, youre choice. Here's some things to consider:.

It always behooves you to SEE the machine run in person before making a buy.

Although a legacy machine may run OK as is, where is, there have been instances (I have 3 in my shop) where the machines ran on site and did not survive the move well/at all. Resurrecting a dead/inoperative machine can be a nightmare.

Does it have documentation? ALL documentation. Some documentation is VERY difficult to find if not impossible. If you're buying a "project" and don't mind resurrective surgery, go for it. If you plan on and must rely on it to make parts and/or a living, make sure you get documentation.

I"d look around and check to see if the retrofit kit is still serviced as claimed. Finding parts for legacy devices, especially an out or business/production retrofit can be an expensive nightmare. DItto that for service. Even though some outfits are still in business, they don't always support, in any way shape or form, their older, legacy equipment.

Price wise, it could fit your budget and make a nice addition - as long as it works and runs as stated in the sales blurb.