Hey Friends,

I agree most laws here are for the birds, or lining some corporate/ bureaucrats pockets but that's a whole different rabbit hole.

I also will admit that a lot of the electrical stuff has me over my head. Looking at the breaker i have (link below) you are correct, it would only trip quickly if current is thousands of percent higher than rated, otherwise its going to take at least a minute. Is this even going to protect anything??

Generally i want to make sure I'm doing a few things things
- Make sure nothing is designed to fail or kill me if i touch it (nothing that has to comply with OSHA laws or anything, just reasonable safely
- Make sure the equipment is protected in the case of surges or large current spikes

Do you guys think that as it stands now I (moderately) safely say that? I didn't mention this but I am running a three prong 120V cord to a surge protector (a basic power strip) then that to the wall. I needed the power strip to power other 120V things like a compressor for the pneumatics on the head and the touch screen display/ RPi I am using to run LCNC.


Thanks again