I'm absolutely new to the DMG Mori, DMU 50. Ours is 2015 year and has Siemens controls with the Celos Ergoline touchscreen control, 5 axis monoblock (not sure if it's capable of coordinated 5 axis or not).

I have some programs running in the machine, all are 5 axis positioning, and absolutely no idea how to initiate another part setup.

I have mastercam 2022 and a "polished" post processor.

I'm a 45 year machinist with almost 30 years in mastercam, started with ver 3.5. Lots of controls under my belt but absolutely no siemens or celos experience.

I can make the machine do a tool change and that's where my expertise ends.

We broke an end mill, replaced the tool and went to set the TLO. then...
I'm not certain the machine is functioning properly because when I try to do an automatic tool length measurement, It apparently has a Blum laser probe for tools, even with a tool already registered and cutting, I get an error: E7 Tool Dimension out of limit. Very possible (and more than likely!) it's a user error.
As I said I'm a complete rookie with this machine.

Another option would be touching the tool on a known surface like a cut part in the vise, however I don't know how to select the work offset or even how to pickup an offset after I've selected it.

I chose to post this thread because I have found exactly zero help on the web or this forum addressing the basics of this machine. I've been digging through the factory documentation but all I found is very generic information, nothing specific for this control applied to a mill.

If one knows where I might go to find this please point me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance