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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2022


    Title pretty much sums it up, but I'm a little unfamiliar with this territory. My last two jobs kept me busy for 5+ years with no real desire to go elsewhere. I only got this job because I was moving to a different state and needed something comparable to what I was doing. Turns out, it's really not my bag. I've found a company nearby who needs someone for almost exactly what I was doing before, with added benefits and lots of potential for growth. I'm not sure how to break all this to my current employer without burning the bridge. For context, they were without someone in this position for 6+ months and shelled out quite a chunk of change to get me trained on their software. However, I have had to figure out the actual machine side of the job pretty much on my own, to almost no avail. I have one external resource for information on the machine, and they're busy as much as they're available, so immediate help is almost nonexistent. There is nobody to train me on what I'm doing, and they don't seem concerned about it. So I've gone and gotten burnt out on trying to train myself. I don't have an official start date as of yet, but I do have an official offer for employment.

    My current thoughts on what I should do are to put my notice in, and not explain why. I feel like it could go south too quickly. My question is basically how do I phrase that so that I don't cross that threshold and don't burn this bridge in the unlikely event I need to come back here? I've thought about coming up with a story about one of a dozen things, but that doesn't feel right. I'd like to do this with as clean a conscience as possible, but I'm really bad at being tactful. Usually when I'm honest, I'm brutally honest and have a tendency to burn bridges unintentionally.

  2. #2


    I think honesty is always best .
    We all work to uphold and/or improve our place in life . Any logical person would understand that , if not then they probably aren't the right people to be working for to begin with . If your an asset to the company then it's likely that they'll offer to sweeten your conditions .
    A typical notice is 2 weeks but it's not carved in stone . If they are in a bind then a months notice is respectful and usually appreciated ( if that is possible ) . The last place I worked got a months notice and me popping in to help with projects at a premium , other places got 2 weeks and some I've walked out in the middle of the day . It all depends on the people .

    On the flip side , pink slips usually come without notice when things get slow

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2022


    Yeah, that last statement kinda hits home here because after I started working here, they had held the position for me for about 2 months, or so I thought. Come to find out, they just hadn't had anyone else remotely experienced apply for it. So I was flat out told that if someone else had applied before I got here, they would've gone with them and left me hanging. So I'm trying to reconcile all of this as best I can without resorting to just saying F it.

    When you say "I think honesty is always best", are you advising that I give them the full rundown, regardless of how it falls out in the end? Because honestly, that's pretty much what I've been thinking since this became a possibility, I'm just having a hard time rectifying it morally, with the training and whatnot. IDK, I'm a jumble right now.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2017


    Agreed. Honesty. You don't have to give too many details, just the basics. It is the responsibility for a manager/owner of the business to make sure that the loss of one person is not a detriment to operations. It's the bad manager who has no plan that makes these things personal. A good manager should ensure that their staff are properly compensated and challenged to do fabulous work and be less available to poachers. As it sounds, you are more considerate of the company than they are of you.

    Be honest and offer to help them out of the bind if your absence causes them angst. A short time working off hours with the old company as a consultant would make you a nice chunk of change. They could use you to bring a new guy up to speed without wasting $ on formal training. 2 weeks notice is enough for them to figure out how to proceed. If not, then they aren't worth the worry.

    "Employee" is not = servant. "Employees" are partners.

    P.S. Make sure to lock in a start date before anything else.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by millingnovice View Post
    When you say "I think honesty is always best", are you advising that I give them the full rundown, regardless of how it falls out in the end? Because honestly, that's pretty much what I've been thinking since this became a possibility, I'm just having a hard time rectifying it morally, with the training and whatnot. IDK, I'm a jumble right now.
    the way I see it is if things were ideal then you wouldn't be leaving for something else . If he asks why then give him your reasons , obviously without sounding overly critical lol . Most guys will understand , some will come unglued mostly because of the loss .

    I think he'll want you to stay especially if he feels he is heavily invested into you .
    I worked for a company that wouldn't bend until I walked in and gave my notice , the boss lost it but in the end he accommodated me until I left a couple yrs later (then he really lost his s$%t ) . Regardless , once my time was up I walked out after a handshake and I could walk back through those doors in a minute if I wanted to . It's a matter of being respectful and in the end they get it
    Either way you go ensure him you enjoyed working in his shop and that you hope the door may still be open in the future

    my question is why did he have no one for 6 months ? Small town , bad reputation ?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2015


    I'd like to do this with as clean a conscience as possible, but I'm really bad at being tactful. Usually when I'm honest, I'm brutally honest and have a tendency to burn bridges unintentionally.
    hy millingnovice it is good that you wish for clean conversations, and you also know that you are a bit to burn bridges : it means that you can see yourself from the outside, and analyze your actions ... this is very good

    as for the long run, burning bridges, actually, means that at this moment you can not master your fear, your self ... here is a catch : you can use your inner fire to grow and develop, or to put your self in conflicts with others ... the choice is yours the diffence between those is if you can control your fire or not

    controlloling one self comes from higher peace of mind; this is achieved in different manners, not in one day, but one of them is gaining trust in you by solving things at work, developing you as a machinist to such a level that alows to be calm when others seems to lose it

    at this moment, you are not there, maybe you are young, etc

    at the begining, look for help, for training, invest much in you ... otherwise, you may end up stacked at a non qualified level, and when you reach 60s, you will be glad that you could wrote a counting macro ...

    I've found a company nearby who needs someone for almost exactly what I was doing before, with added benefits and lots of potential for growth.
    what where you doing before ?

    For context, they were without someone in this position for 6+ months and shelled out quite a chunk of change to get me trained on their software
    knowing your other post : https://www.cnczone.com/forums/gener...ml#post2529455

    i can tell that your current shops is not looking to achieve performance

    So I've gone and gotten burnt out on trying to train myself.
    don't discourage yourself ... at the begining there is a lot of misshots again, i insist in being near someone that is stronger in this trade, so to shorten your learning curve; it is ok to try things on your own, but periodically compare them to others worrkflow or opinions, get your feedback, get your criticism from others, because only you with yourself, you will loose yout time and mind

    I don't have an official start date as of yet, but I do have an official offer for employment
    keep your actual job, but in paralel go to the other place for a couple of days; a week should be enough for you to make an opinion; you can also work at one place monday-[friday-1/ wtf day is there beoree friday?] then work at the other place friday+weekend

    thus try the 2nd job as you are still employed, and don't trust only an offer sometimes expectations are <> reality

    I've thought about coming up with a story about one of a dozen things, but that doesn't feel right

    I'm a jumble right now.
    you are not sure on yourself; some places can generate a lot of useless noise, make you doubt, etc

    a clean direct conversation will leave you with a clear mind, without questions ...

    unlikely event I need to come back here?
    you can not go back there with same skill and expectaitions as then when you left ... it means that you simply use that job as a side cover, and the employer will get you back simply because he has no other; this means that you failed ...

    if you go back there, even as a small visit, or a simple 1 day to help, you will have to show visible improvement, but that improvement has to be accepted and understood by those from that previous place ... because not all guys can see value

    no employer wants someone that comes and goes ...

    as a small conclusion, invest in your self, develop, set and achieve goals, and set timeframes for those machining is a nice trade

    time is the key : if you use your time more for others, and less for yourself, or viceversa ?

    Be honest and offer to help them out of the bind if your absence causes them angst. A short time working off hours with the old company as a consultant would make you a nice chunk of change. They could use you to bring a new guy up to speed without wasting $ on formal training.
    that's a good advice

    "Employee" is not = servant. "Employees" are partners.
    an employee is anywhere between a 'stronger pillar than manager' and a 'easy to replace resource'

    it means that it can be something greater than a partner, but also something much worse than a servant

    the way I see it is if things were ideal then you wouldn't be leaving for something else .
    it happens especially, when is something that involves women
    Ladyhawke - My Delirium, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_bFO1SNRZg

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by deadlykitten View Post
    hy millingnovice
    knowing your other post : https://www.cnczone.com/forums/gener...ml#post2529455

    i can tell that your current shops is not looking to achieve performance

    I hadn't put 2 and 2 together . Thats a case where I'd be brutally honest and respectful at the same time . There are still a lot of manual shops that are successfully raking in the work and money , but he seriously needs to understand the value of the cnc's in his shop and the necessity to tool them properly while supporting the guy running them . I'd tell him flat out he is holding you back from properly doing your job . He invested in you but not investing into his own shop is stupid

    I honestly think if that guy was to give you more control then it would be a great opportunity for you . Obviously money is always a factor , except the value you could gain from the experience is something that gets you closer to the top of the food chain which will carry you for the rest of your career .

    If he can't understand that then he should sell the cnc's while they are worth something , and some bridges aren't worth crossing again

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