@skrubol - Yes, that is correct. I purchased plans from Paoson (highly recommend that site!) and have made modifications to sizing and a few other details. My inspiration for this was indeed the industrial applications I saw using similar tech. I want to build a workshop that can manufacture things with a high degree of accuracy more quickly, and this just seemed like the logical conclusion. I will be using a high end 10" circular saw as my blade arbor.

@wizard - The safety concern is highly valid. Since the feeding of the work would still be manual, I will have an emergency cutoff in place first and foremost. I will also be making a control pad, rather than using a touch screen, and will make sure that only the "soft stop" function is available while the relay for the saw is active, so the controls cannot be activated by mistake while working. After further consideration, I'm not going for automated angle adjustment, as that is of minimal benefit in my case anyway, thanks for that! I'll post a picture of the table at the bottom, happy to show off my (at this point simple) modifications (all design credit goes to Paoson, of course).

@ger21 - I'd love to see how that is designed, if possible!

So this is the current design. Thus far I've just resized it to 3'x6', and it does have a router built in, but that will likely be left manual.