Well there's 5 hours gone of my life gone! I have made such a mess I'm heading to Costco to buy a new computer since I doubt I can get rid of all the mess I have made. I'm going to go get coffee and then delete everything that says arduino (I'm not sure if I even can do that as I tried that once and it still said "are you sure you want to delete X") and start over. I think I was close a couple of times but then put things in the wrong place and then tried to correct that and then made things worse. I don't know how to properly use "copy to" but I do know how to drag and drop so will try that this next time and see if I can get the files where they belong. I notice in step 9 there is the lazy 8 arduino icon. I don't have that in my download done in step 1? I'm also not sure when things are extracted or not either. The stuff opens with something called 7 zip.There is a - sign that says extract but maybe it didn't extract the lazy 8? I think I can't keep proper track of the steps and actually have no idea what I'm doing. I seem to be able to use install wizards to install spam with no problem :-)

Teacher could we please have an old fashioned short circuit problem?