It was never my intention to have this discussion become "my dog is better than your dog". I am only trying to put things in the proper perspective.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both EMC2 and MACH3. There is a LOT of discussion about MACH3 bugs by people that have only heard there are bugs, BUT THEY NEVER TRIED IT THEMSELVES. Obviously datac and fomaz aren't some of those. As ger21 said, at least 99% of all MACH3 users have no problems. But this fact gets drowned by the other 1% getting passionate about their frustrations. I can definitely relate to this as I am also passionate about my frustrations with EMC2!

Yes I have frustrations with EMC2, but I do know that it is a very powerful tool, just as MACH3!

datac, it seems you have a bad taste in your mouth from MACH3. I understand. To say that MACH3 has "one foot in the grave" is ludicrous. It will continue to work flawlessly for years (if not decades) for those for whom it is currently working flawlessly (me for example).

The computer that I'm using right now is working just fine with Windows XP. My 3D models are just as good as they've always been - even though they were made with SolidWorks 2007. My AutoCAD drawings are all just great - even though I use AutoCAD R14. The neat thing about software is that it doesn't wear out. Its capability doesn't expire just because it gets superseded.


Also... MACH3 is FREE for those that don't need more than 500 lines of G-code. I used it for many years that way.