Quote Originally Posted by mmoe View Post
"Feature request for future versions. I'd like to see a feedrate option for the link clearance move in the adaptive toolpath strategies when set to "one way" or "Zig". The issue is that currently the code produces a move in the air that runs at the feedrate for material removal, but there is no need to run at the same speed when cutting air. Toolpath cut times could likely be reduced by 25% or more if the option to increase feedrate for the "link clearance" move were available. It would be ideal if once you manually check the link clearance checkbox (indicating the users is aware of the settings) there was also a subcategory checkbox to activate a feedrate override for the link clearance move that has a data entry box for the desired feedrate, with a further checkbox to set it to "rapid" instead. The rapid option would just output G0/G1 instead of having to output a F value each time a link clearance move is made."
Are you interested in trying a post processor script that will do just that? I have ran it successfully on a dozen jobs but I can't use it "everyday" in the production environment. I can only promise it has never crashed my Haas and it does reduce cycle time by 25% or more. If you send me your post processor I will modify it for you if you would report back your results.

It doesn't turn the link clearance to a rapid because I really only thought about increasing the feed inside a pocket where I'm only lifting 0.015" or so. I really can't rapid inside the part because the machine simulation doesn't move the same way my machine does but if yours rapids in a straight line it would really reduce cycle times. Either way, I never thought about going ahead and lifting out of the part and using a rapid. That's an interesting idea that might be faster than a "high feed" link move.

BTW, I agree with your post 100%. I can use much higher feed rates when I'm moving in one direction only and it's better for my tooling and machine. The link is the only thing that slows it down and it drives me a bit bonkers sometimes.