Quote Originally Posted by drutort View Post
yes I know those 2d contour and 3d contour have it, but what about rough/finish waterline/plane or the other "automatic" operations, do not have the option at least not in sprutcam 7?

This becomes a big issue when you have roughing endmills that are not center cutting, sadly SprutCAM does not have a definition for none center cutting end mill. This requires a pre drill, and requires a start/end point for plunging of the none center cutting endmills.
Most every operation I see defaults to exterior of part area of possible. Areas that form pockets with no way to engage from outside will plunge. If you drill a hole in that area from what I see sprut will see this hole and start all plunge tool paths in that hole or area. Something I have noticed anyway. Only reason for my note was you stated you used mostly 2d operations and I wanted to let you know you can move those around at will.
As a small note from what I see of this software it can be modified to do almost anything you want. You just have to know how to do it, not that I do
I would guess most good cam programs have an open architecture to adapt to different machines, tools and users desires.
Something to consider.