I bought ZW3D 2012. Really like it, very good for the complex surface design and tooling/molds that I do. The toolpath generation for my 3 axis mills has been very good. Took me a while to get used to, but once you get the hang of it, ZW works well. I'm not sure why other folks have had problems with the posts - I have configured two different posts for two different mills and it works perfectly. IMHO the postprocessor is pretty straight forward to tailor to your needs. The toolpath verification tools are good - shows if you've made any serious errors.
The CNC lathe part of the package in my opinion is still beta, even though it is included in the general release. I configured a post for my old CNC lathe and it cut without crashing. However, the lathe part is still pretty basic. It really needs to include some standard tools from Kennametal, etc. I don't like having to recreate tool geometry that is available for download from the tooling manufacturer.
The support has been good, but it will take a day for someone from China to email you back. I would prefer to have someone in North America to talk to.