Just last fall we purchased a Multicam 3000 unit with a Hypertherm 130 on it. We have been learning alot with it as we go on settings and such. One thing we are having troubles with is the speed of the unit. We use the EZ-Gcode software that came with the unit for nesting and tool path creation. It is quick and easy to use. What i would like to do is find a way to cut down on the number of pierces on the parts. By doing so this should speed up production somewhat. Right now we use the "preset" output for the feeds and speeds that hypertherm uses and we get very good cut quality. I was told by multicam i can deviate from these settings some but it may sacrifice quality. What i am looking into is there an easy way for when nesting parts that dont have any internal holes in them to do away with the pierces and up and down motions after each part is cut? Basicly what i want it to do is come down and make one pierce and then go from part to part and never raise off the part till its done with all the ones on that sheet. Any advice or help on this is appreciated.
