So, after countless discussions with my father-in-law, he has asked me to build him a CNC router. That is not a problem, as I've got a solid design and I can get him one in short work. Here is the catch: He does not want to learn any "complicated" CAD/CAM packages. I work with AutoCad, Solidworks and MasterCam on a daily basis, so these are all basic too me. Put it this way....He just got a PC and e-mail access a year ago or so. Before that, he was using his typewriter for his billing and stuff.

I am confident that I can show him the in's and out's of Mach3, of that I am not concerned. What I am concerned about though, is him generating G-Code for it. What would be some good sources of relatively easy G-Code generation, within a somewhat reasonable pricerange. And no, I'm not talking Windows Notepad. He want's to do 2D artsy type stuff (basically animal shapes, jigsaw puzzles, random stuff, light engraving, etc) Basically looking for a way to turn line art into a g-code...