Hi there, I'm wondering if anyone else has run into this issue and has advice please. Basically I'm trying to set up a cheap MPG and Mach 3 errors on startup when I set it up. I'll explain my setup and issue:

- Mach 3
- Windows 10 64 Bit
- Ethernet stepper
- I DID NOT install the serial driver (As I understand this crashes Win 10 Mach3) and also did not need to with Ethernet

- Using Mach 3 control and Ethernet all works perfectly

- Install USB-Serial Driver
- Note down COM port in Device Manager
- Plug in MPG to USB
- Turn on ModBus and input all MPG settings into Mach 3
- Restart Mach 3
- Now I get ERROR #1 or #9991 and can't get into the program :S


1) Because I am on Windows 10 64bit and not using the Parallel driver, when I attempt to use the USB-Serial MPG it errors Mach 3 on startup. Is that correct? And if so I will simply get rid of this MPG.
2) Any advice on MPGs that do work on Windows 10 64bit?

Thanks for your help