I have been working on installing a 4th axis on a Milltronics VM17 with cent 6. X, Y, and Z are sigma I on the 4th axis I have a sigma II drive and motor. When I power the machine on every thing works fine. I get a bb on the drive display. When i reset the drive it changes to run. everything works as intended. However when you E stop the machine the drive flashes bb for about a half of second then goes to A.F1 the only way i am able to reset the drive is by restarting the machine. The sigma II is wired with jumpers from the sigma I.

I am wondering if the E stop occurs different on a sigma II as it seems my machine just cuts the power to the Sigma I via a relay on L1 L2 L3.

PS this is a 3 phase 200V drive.

I bought the drive from a reputable service tech. It was sent out to be repaired when i bought it as it was bad. Then I received it, installed the drive for the first time on my machine got the A.f1 fault returned the drive he sent it back in for repairs when installed the 2nd time it has the same issue.

Thanks for your time in advance.