I have a 2004 model Series I Bridgeport Knee Mill with the factory EZPLUS CNC system installed.

Last Friday I walked away from the machine after a job was complete and forgot to hit the emergency stop to shut off power to the servo motors. I came back about an hour later and could smell electrical burning. The Y-axis was no longer responsive to commands and I was getting a Y-DAC Overflow error.

I swapped the motors for X and Y and the problem followed the motor, so I have determined that I need a servo motor replacement for the Y-Axis. The problem is finding one.

Does anyone know somewhere that might carry replacement servo motors? The specific motor is a Cleveland Motion Controls (CMC) MTE4225-157G2F with the customer part number listed as 11598888, so I would assume that is the bridgeport/hardinge number. Searching around google has not yielded me any sources.

Thanks for all the help