Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
Hi, just read all the posts.......I think I would be tempted to mill off the dovetails and fit linear ways....how practical that is for you I don't know, but having it down to the last nut and bolt and also a Bridgeport to do the work seems like a retrograde step not to do it.

BTW, you're doing great so far, even though you say you aren't trained for the work........I blanched at the lapping of the ways bit, (Shock horror), but that's just a case of whatever it takes etc.

I take it that from this point on it's a current build program, the previous having been a step back in time to the dim and distant 2005 period in history.

As the years have gone by, I think you should take a good look at the electronics side to see if anything that might need to be replaced (7 years) is still available.

I didn't see any specifications as to the requirements for the build..... that is... the job side of it, and this will determine the drive that you need for the work.

The original drive was orientated to manual milling....chunk a chunk a chunk, whereas the new build would need a whole different approach.......7,000 rpm would be nice.
Thanks for checkin in Ian. Some good points.

The linear slides would be a nice project but to be honest the money tree is dry and I need to wrap this project up with what I have and call it a day and get onto the next project in line. I have accumulated way to many projects and need to stop dreaming and do more doing

Im almost current. I think I have to find a couple more pics from the old days but yes, its coming up to the current build.

The electronics? YES! Its some what revamped. I have to keep the motor drives (the 320s) just to see if they work, they cost too much to trash. But the interface electronics are up to date. A Warp9 Ethernet Smooth Stepper card and a PMDX-126 breakout board. Really nice combo.

As far as the spindle drive goes I have some ideas. Id like closer to 6k rpm for the max and still have some low rpm grunt. I have a few ideas in mind. All of them include removing the R8 spindle. I have some nice spindles and bearing sets. Getting there. That might be a lil farther in the future.

Thanks again Ian for checkin in JR