The HAAS TM-1P comes with 1 meg memory. They offer a 16 meg memory upgrade.

USB thumb drives are now available up to at least 16MEG.

I attended the HAAS Days Demo this week and talked to an HAAS Engineer.

I am new to this so I may have not understood him correctly.

I think he said that you can run a program directly from the USB thumb drive and not have the program loaded into the controls memory.

I also think he said the only down side is that if the program stops for some reason you would have to go back to the last tool change to restart it as the control will not know where it is. If the program is loaded into the memory then the machine remembers where the tool was when it stopped and can be restarted from that point.

Does this sound correct?

The 16 MEG memory upgrade from HAAS is approximately $995.00. USB 16 MEG thumb drives range from $125.00 plus.

If so, is not the 16 MEG USB thumb drive a reasonable option.

Any input would be appreciated.

