I am trying to cut an American Buttress thread, I have the inserts and everything for it. I have the TPI and pitch right. But no matter what I do it will not do multiple passes, it will only make one pass which is too deep. Also I need the in-feed angle to be 0 degree since one side of the thread is 60 degrees and the other side is 0 but I cant seem to make that change either. Even broke out the dang training videos and the guy on there went through all the steps even said how there was a first cut and last cut setting and number of finish passes and then when he did the simulation it only did a single cut just like mine does. His should have made at least 2 passes by what he set it at.

Already crashed a part cause I didnt realize what it was doing. This is the first time I have tried to use the threading. I am at newb all around with the lathe side of BCC.