I have a 4' x 5' 150W Chinese laser and would like to replace the laser bed. I have always noticed that the center of the bed sits lower than the edges presumably because of the cheap build quality and the size and weight of the laser bed. Right now I have a thick honeycomb layer with a laser grid (LaZer Cutting Grids ? Laser Vector Cutting Grids / Tables ? Laser Engravers) on top of that. What I would like to do is remove the honeycomb and then lay down some 80/20 aluminum (https://www.inventables.com/technolo...m-x-40mm-black) and then put the laser grid directly on top of the aluminum rails. I am curious if anyone thinks that this may be a bad idea or not. I am worried about reflection off the aluminum. I am basically trying to make the bed flatter and more accurate.