Hi there,

This is the firt time I post a thread on cnczone.com, my apologies if it is posted in the wrong category. As my title already showed,
I have a problem with my KIWA excel 510. The machine is build in 1990 with a fanuc OM control system. The machine has a carousel with 16 tools vertically placed.

I must admit I am new in the cnc world and because a lack of good machine documentation and experience, I accidently modified/deleted the toolchange macro (O9001).

After a good search I found some useful information, so I was able to program a part of the macro back in the system. Now when I call in the toolchange progam (T01 M16) the following happens:

The carousel comes forward, picks out the present tool, drops down, rotates to the new tool and comes to a hold. So it stays in the drop down position.


G80 G40 M9;
G91 G30 Z0 M19;
M6 T#149;

I know something is missing but don't see what. Maybe someone has the same machine with a good macro? All suggestions are greatly appreciated!

The Netherlands