We have a EZ Path II Bridgeport Lath. The hard drive went down on us a couple of weeks ago. We replaced it and had the service tech. from the company that we originally bought the lath from come in to help get it up and going. He loaded the latest software that came out with these laths. I am having problems with the way the software loads and runs the old programs. It does not make the same cuts as the old software would.
In the programming where you fill in the information for it to rough out the piece, you tell it what size of cutting step to take, which is the depth of cut. The old software would make cuts starting from the size which you had programmed in and the step size you told it to take. With the new software the step size it takes is not what you tell it. I think what it is doing is figuring equel cuts so that on last roughing pass it is not taking a smaller cut. I do not want it doing this. Have you heard of this before? Is there a way of changing something in this updated software? The service tech person that put the software on does not know why it is doing this. Is there someone else I could contact? Thank you for your time, Gary Harding