I have been using my DC welder as a anodizing powersource for some time now, but yesterday something odd happened when anodizing. I was anodizing 9 small parts and from the outside all seemed fine. When i lifted them from the tank though i found that the hookup wires (1/8 ali tig filler rods) was badly eroded to the point that one was only 0.02" in diameter (nearly lost that part!
as far as i can tell all was as usual - i was running the parts at 18vdc for 45 min. the parts took dye and sealed up well.
the only other thing i can report is that ambient temp was quite high in the workshop (97deg f, 36 celcius)

Any sugestions as to what could have gone wrong?
I have to do some pieces with a hell of a lot of time invested in them this weekend, and i would hate to loose any of them.
