We've been running a site for the past few years, DIYLILCNC, dedicated to a low-cost, easy-to-build CNC router design.

The plans, parts lists, and assembly instructions are available for free, under a Creative Commons license. These plans are geared toward beginners who may not have lots of experience with CAD/CAM/CNC but are looking to learn.

We're in the process of revamping our design with a lot of improvements that have been suggested by builders on our forums. We're looking for more feedback and suggestions on features.

We're running a kickstarter campaign right now to offset some of our R&D costs as we go through the redesign process. We’ve got some pretty fun rewards for contributors… donors can have a part of the new machine named after them, or use their contributions to vote for specific design changes they’d like to see in version 2.

Check it out here:

DIYLILCNC 2.0 - Open-source plans for a low-cost CNC mill. by DIYLILCNC — Kickstarter
