I have a couple of parts that I have deep holes in. I have to go 2.25 inches down and 51/64" in diameter. I have been drilling a 1/4" hole half way through, taking it out of the mill and working up to 1/2" drill in my drill press. Then I would put it back in the mill and use a 3/8" long endmill to finish to diameter. This was mainly because tool changes were such a pita that it was quicker.

Now that I have TTS I am thinking that I can just do all the drilling on the mill and maybe even drill out the final diameter. I am afraid to push the mill too hard though. I was thinking of this:

1/4" drill half way
1/2" drill half way
1/4" drill full depth
1/2" drill full depth
3/4" drill full depth
51/64" drill full depth

Does this seem doable on a 135? I am thinking that running the 1/4" all the way down first pass would be too much...

I appreciate any advice, I am still a noob at this...
