

The death of a male rhino at a Bangladeshi zoo might have been caused by an injury suffered during a violent courtship ritual, a preliminary investigation has found.

Rhinos are known for their aggressive behaviour during courtship and mating which often involve long chases and biting.

Officials at Dhaka Zoo said the most likely cause of death was a leg injury caused by "insane conduct during reproductive activities" but they did not reveal any further details.

The animal named Kancha was one of two six-month-old Indian rhinos given to Bangladesh by the late King Birendra of Nepal in 1992.

The average Indian rhino weighs between 1,800 and 2,700 kilos (4,000 and 6,000 pounds).

The International Rhino Foundation estimates that conservation efforts have seen the number of Indian rhinos in India and Nepal rise from only 200 earlier in the twentieth century to around 2,400.

Kancha's mate, Kanchi, remains in good health.