Quote Originally Posted by ger21
No, I don't sell SheetCAM. I don't even use it. I also didn't say stay away from BobCAD.
I'm not here to argue about software, just trying to inform people what's available. You have your opinion, I have mine.
I asked you that question because when I first started posting here in the zone on Bobcad you asked me if I worked for Bobcad and in one of the thread you felt like calling me a Bobcad groupie....that why I say your closed minded and it was about me not software.
Yes we all have opinion on Software but I do notice that if someone posts a question on software. Your answer is always Sheetcam, Rhino, Alibre and madcam. Even if the question has nothing to do with those software. Your right that not everyone needs to do 3d.But in the case of this thread you have someone that is more than capable of understand 3d.Also this is a person that even though it might be a Hobby he dose not sound I he's a tinker. I did download sheet cam. It’s your basic 2 1/2 axis software and worth $150.If someone has no skill in cad and was looking for there first program. I would say go for it. But in a short time you will want to upgrade to something else. Gerry you are a very skilled person in your field. You do take a lot of your time helping people. There more to software like Bobcad and onecnc than just solid modeling. You have a 3d drawing package too.