Hi everybody,
I'm a old newbie of 49 years old and for my first project, I plan to build a small (18" x 18") CNC to did some PCB engraving and to take some experience in the CNC world. After that, I plan to build a much larger CNC router (4' x 4') for a wood working. I already read many thread in the CNCZone and I have some newbie's question about the size and kind of drivers I need for my motor?
I already have 2 Nema23 100oz/in, 1.7v, 4.7A/phase, 6 wires and one Nema34 5.5v, 1.3A/phase, 6 wires. I think to use the Nema23 for the X/Y axes and the Nema34 for the Z axe.
