My machine is a YCI SuperMax Rebel 1. The control is a Mitsubishi Meldas 520AMR. It has the RS232 serial port.

I draw my models in Fusion 360 - home / hobby use, not commercial production. I would like a way to transmit them to the machine, but not into memory. S

I would like to be able to pick the file on the machine and have it locate and process it directly from the PC. Drip feed, but without needing to navigate through a ton of items to get there. Fusion is a bit brain damaged so it won't allow ATC operation and this means a simple prototype gizmo I want to make might have 20 files and some won't even fit in the machine RAM.

Is this going to be Host Link, or an emulated tape drive or something else?
I've tried a variety of software that is generally unmaintained and expensive.

Any recommendations? Software? Settings?