My daughter was with her boyfriend yesterday and the saw a couple garage sales and started looking around.
She knows I like old things and machinery and when she saw this rather large drill press looking thing she thought I'd like it for my birth day so she got it for me.

It's name cast into the side said "Cincinnati hyspeed tapping machine" with a round brass plate held on by two rivets with #28 on it and has three different belt placements for three speeds.
The tapping feature adjusting screws were adjusted to zero so it would not reverse automatically without flipping a switch, and there is an ancient Wagner electric Corp. 1 HP motor model #C65-M-181 with a fabricated mount to run it, and it has a cast iron floor base it mounts to held on by three screws at the top which is round, and the bottom of the base is square and has 4 floor mounting bolt holes.

There is also a modern (1950's?) 3/4 drill chuck added to it.

The 70+ year old guy that sold it out of his garage/hangar (YES, there is a small one lane air strip in the middle of their housing tract and all the houses have garage space for airplanes!) said it was from the late 1800's and was belt driven from when they had a shaft running the length of the factory and each piece of equipment had it's own belt running down to power it.

Anyone know where I can find info on this and other belt driven Antiques?
Anyone know what it's worth?

I have never seen anything this old outside of a museum!

The only damage is the edges of the table where the coolant was redirected has been damaged as if it fell over (decades ago) and the edge of the table (1/2 to 3/4 of it) took the force of the fall.

It will work well in the corner of my garage as a stand alone drill press even though the table is rather small, it looks sturdy enough that I might be able to add an adjustable table to make it into a small milling machine!

She only paid $40 for it!!!
She also scored a small cheap bad saw and a 1940's to 1960's Sears Craftsman radial arm saw with more attachments than I thought could possibly come with it.
It even had a wood planing attachment!