
Yes, I'm replacing the stock acme with a ballscrew. I removed the whole underside of the carriage (hand wheel, half nut, lever, and the cast iron housing). I making everything out of 6061 al, the big block replaces the cast iron housing, and the little block will be threaded to accept the ballnut.

Yeah, I'll only be able to control it through the computer, but that's OK I'll just use a MPG, MDI, or do little short op programs. Everything I'm making for it is being done on a cnc'd X3 in little one op programs. Right now, I'm writing them by hand (pen&paper) and typing them into an editor (notepad). That's part of the reason I'm so slow (brain gettin' old).

Well, I better get back outside and start squaring up the block I sawed then, drill and tap some holes. The sooner I finish the Z-axis, the sooner I can start pulling my hair out over what to do about the cross slide (major ball nut clearance problem).
