Does anyone have any recommendations for software to replace BobCAD/CAM?

They no longer support "Hobby" versions and you now need to purchase the software at full price. Due to a licensing issue recently, I am exploring other options but not having much luck finding a suitable replacement. I thought that process would be easy, but not so!

I have a 4x8 CNC router and 99% of what I cut is 2.5D. BUT, I do occasionally have to cut full 3D parts so I have to have software that can do CAD and CAM 3D machining. Because 99% of what I do is 2.5D, I found products like Fusion 360 more cumbersome to work with. BobCAD allows me to just draw quick simple shapes in 2D, place points for holes and go right into CAM to run profile cut inside or out a line drawing and drill routines to drill holes. Again, that's 99% of what I use the machine for. It's so quick and simple but the software still allows me to do 3D when I need it.

The other packages I looked at are either more difficult to work with in 2.5D because they require the CAD to be drawn in 3D or work great in 2.5D but don't allow 3D or if they do they are expensive. Also, Although BobCAD/CAM is pricey for hobby use, at least I can keep it for years without a required annual renewal. The current version I have I upgraded in 2019.

The other really nice feature is that the CAM is built into the software so you can quickly run a CAM simulation and switch back to the CAD tab to fix any issues and just refresh the CAM screen and run the simulation again. Numerous times I have had to rotate parts to cut a different direction once fixtured in the machine. In BobCAD/CAM I can rotate and move the parts in CAD after generating the CAM and simply refresh the CAM to cut the parts without affecting any of the CAM processes or machining routines. Not having to go in and out of different software packages is a real time saver.

I know it sounds like I talked myself into keeping Bob CAD/CAM but I think there has to be other products that do what BobCAD does but better for me but I just can't seem to find it. Any recommendations would be appreciated!