A CAD blueprint ... Yeah, in a perfect world ...

I am thinking that I can mount a motor with a main drive gear. Then design off of that, to make other components. Sort of like gluing popsicle sticks together! From the gear, with a tooth spacing of (n) I might drive a second larger gear. Attached to that? Maybe an arm that provides linear motion, like a train locomotive. The end of the arm might rock a pendulum with a toothed cog at the axle, and at the top of the pendulum? WHO KNOWS! It would be a giant DO NOTHING machine that I could build over the next several years, God willing.

Just look at how many people drive out to The Cadillac Ranch in Texas, just to see some old Caddys buried nose into the ground. Maybe the machine, which could be seen from the highway, might draw in some customers to buy something I DO make for sale.

I would use thin sheet metal (probably galvanized 28 gauge or??) to wrap cnc cut foam pieces. Sheet metal could provide certain contact surfaces. Bearings, pins, rollers ... maybe some timed (bowling?) balls rolling a dual round tube track from A to B ... A ball drops onto an arm with a trap bucket, and the altered weight would cause something else to happen.

Haven't you ever wanted ot build something completely ridiculous like this?

When I die, they can burn the whole thing to the ground if they don't like it.
