Hello guys,
there is so many informations I do not understand and are out of topic. What
nobody mentioned if it is possible, when spindle was not grounded, could it be possible
that could destroy motor on Z axis through metal frame of machine ?

I also found original message from supplier of spindle:

Dear friend,
Connect "R" and "T" (at the invert-er) to the single phase power supply.You could also connect "R" and "S" or "S" and "T".Both ways are OK.
If you use it with three phase input,connect the three phase power supply to "R, S T",
and then connect the "U, V, W " to the motor 1, 2, 3(U to 1, V to 2, W to 3).
Number 4 is for earth.You can either connect earth or not.Usually, we don't connect earth )))

So no wonder that so many variation of connection worked for me.

Anyway I add some pictures.

1: picture symbols: So I explain it, that this left ground mark is just coincidence when someone did plastic injection
and mirrored model with symbol from right side ? So it should not be there ?

2. picture video: This is print screen from video, some guy did this connection, like me, so it works but it is not right and ideal ?

3. picture VFD3: *Please check it if I did correct connection, where grounding goes directly from spindle to power cord 230V.
* * * * * * * * * So from power cord I connect only R, T and grounding from spindle goes to earth wire.

thank you