this is working, that terminal block is XT5, terminal 12 is for input x4 bit 7.

I couldnt get the PMC display to show the status of this input, I hooked pins 10 and 12 together to put 24v on the input. the PMC display doesnt change.

that being said, if I run a G31 move, with pin 12 tied to pin 10 (24v), the skip behavior works, the move doesn't go more than a couple thou or something. Then with pin 12 disconnected the G31 move goes the programmed distance.

so, this is great for setting up the probe.

now I would like to know about the high speed skip option. I dont need to know which parameter turns that on... but I would like to know if I need to buy some additional hardware to use the high speed skip function, or is it as simple as putting together the correct connector and hooking that up behind the LCD panel at the front of the machine?

I'm not sure why you'd need high speed skip really.. the renishaw probes allow for a lot of overtravel and I know that the G31 function stores two positions which the skip turned on and where the motion stopped. but, if it is easy to set it up, id rather use the HS skip to get more accuracy when probing. please let me know if you're familiar with the HS skip physical setup and if you need any option boards installed