Hello there,

I' am having a problem with the ATC arm. The arm is pulling out the tool a little earlier than the pullbar lets the tool loose. Does anyone know which diagnostic/parameter number i need to modify the timing? This is what the Kitamura book says:

The ATC timer is set by the DIAGNOS DATA.
The following is its standard setting values and contents.

DIAGNOS DATA................SETTING VALUE......................CONTENT

310...............................500............. ..........................For after ATC UP

305...............................500............. ..........................For after TOOL UNCLAMP

315...............................500............. ..........................For after ATC DOWN

Each setting value is 1/1000 sec.

The values that were set are: 310.......900000

I have changed all from 0 to 9999950. None seem to slower or fasten the movement of ATC-arm or pause. Please need HELP!

Is there anyone who has a FANUC-OM INSTRUCTION book in PDF format or any other format to mail?

Thanks again...