I also need help with scripts. I don't understand scripts at all. What interests me most is measurement scenarios. Do I need to learn any programming language, if so, which one?

An example of my misunderstanding:
o109 - Probe Check
Checks probe settings

G65 P109 Q
Q 0 - Checks probe pins only.
1 - Checks probe pins and probe type.

o109 ;Probe Check
#<_return> = NAN[]
o<chk> if[LNOT[ACTIVE[]]]
o<chk> endif

o<chk> if[[#<_probe_pin_1> EQ 0] AND [#<_probe_pin_2> EQ 0]]
(print,Probe pin is not configured)
o<chk> endif

o<chk> if [DEF[#<qvalue>,1] AND [#<_probe_use_tooltable> GT 0] AND [#<_tool_isprobe_num|#<_current_tool>>] EQ 0]
(print,Current tool is not probe)
o<chk> endif

#<_return> = 0

I don't understand how the program makes the choice? 0 — only the sensor contacts are checked.
1 – Checks the contacts and type of sensor. (in which line?)
[DEF[#<qvalue>,1] I don't understand this post. What is #<qvalue>?