It sounds like you've stumbled upon a frustrating situation. Acquiring a Sharnoa HPM-30 without the appropriate manuals can definitely throw a wrench into things. However, there's always a silver lining. Online forums or marketplaces might be your saving grace for finding the manuals you need. As for your query about the Vortex or Holosun, which is preferable? by reddotvibe. It's a common dilemma amongst enthusiasts. Both brands offer quality products, but personal preference often plays a significant role. Some swear by the reliability and clarity of Vortex optics, while others lean towards the sleek design and affordability of Holosun. Ultimately, it boils down to your specific needs and budget. Dive into the discussions on reddotvibe, and you'll likely find valuable insights to aid your decision-making process. Good luck with your Sharnoa HPM-30 journey!