Ok, as promised, here are some photos of my YooCNC 6040 upgrades for wet cutting FR4 G10 laminate. Hope someone finds this useful.

Two things worth noting, the 1/2" clear vinyl tubing is attached to a hose bib below the cover, not above it. This prevents spills should it somehow come free, though this seems unlikely. Also, with this Gamma Seal lid and drain into the center of said lid, when the filter is full and the water overflows over the top, it gets captured by the recesses of the lid top and this avoids a spill.

Nylon socks work well too. Use two, because the hanging mass stretches out the sock/stocking and opens the pores/holes more. Better to not open them more than necessary with stretching forces.

I get about three 12 X 12 X 0.1875" blank workpiece changes out of a whole house 5 micron blown filter cartridge before swapping it out. Your mileage may vary.