Does anyone here know anything about dxf2gcode? There appears to be no help or instructions on the web - the wiki page just lists the headings of the parameters without specifying what they do.

In particular, I am having problems with the Z axis. The generated G code makes the Z axis go up and down like a yo-yo. There are several parameters in the set-up:

1 - Retraction Co-ordinate
2 - Safety Margin
3 - Work-piece origin Co-ordinate
4 - Slice Depth
5 - Final Mill depth

I guess that these refer to

1 - Height that the tool can move at
2 - ?
3 - height of top of work-piece
4 - depth for each slice
5 - maximum depth that tool should go.

But when I fill these in with sensible figures, the Z axis seems to rise and fall by varying amounts which seem to depend on a calculation using these figures. I am doing a simple 2-D cut, I simply want the tool to retract to -10 for movement and drop to -14 for cutting (absolute). What should I fill in to achieve this?