I am doing some simple 3d milling - guitar fingerboards with different radii (like a section of a cylinder). Easy enough to create the radiused board and generate a toolpath. But...

How do I control the "smoothness" of the machined 3d surface?

Like many things in BobCAD, this really has me baffled. The gcode consists of many straight line moves, not arcs like I would expect. The number and length of these lines determines how smooth the machined surface is. I do not know what setting to change to change this.

At one point each arc was made of 7 moves - very coarse. Tech support had me change some settings and the arcs were then made by performing 50 moves - very smooth. After trying to solve some other problems, the support person made some changes, and now my arcs are 25 moves.

This is probably adequate - but I just want to know what exact setting determines this. Arc Interpolation error is a logical candidate, but doesn't seem to do anything. General Accuracy didn't seem to help. Set Path -> max error for arcs? Again, didn't seem to help.

