Hi I'm going to be taking a class we're we build a 2ft x 3ft ish gantry style cnc. Most students build it as a router table but I want a plasma table. I have a powermax 30 all ready. I am planning on using a proma thc. Will likely only be cutting 1/4 and under. Mostly 3/16.

I'm wondering if it's possible to retrofit a quick disconnect to the machine so I can use it as a mobile machine and as a cnc. Maybe use a dean's setup like my multimatic 215 has for the tig? Or would it be a waste of time and money? I have a limit of 110v only. Not looking for a production machine just home jeep hobby. Funds are kinda limited so I can't justify a new machine to dedicate to this project.
Here is a pick of someone else's cnc that I will be building.