
I am new to the world of 3 printers.
I tried to use ramps with arduino and marlin firmware, and I began to give a command in manual mode to one of steppers. I tried both repetier host and pronterface.
I used my multimeter to see the current that one of phases of the stepper will draw.
I found that, the motor nearly does not draw significant current while rotation, and it usually draws a sigificant current when stops!
actually, when it stops, one time it drew 0.8 amps with making noise, and another time 1.25 amps with making noise(nothing changed, load is the same!), and even some times the meter gives me 0 with no noise at all, so the stepper draws 0 current at standstill.
I do not understand, is this correct? what is the correct behaviour of stepper that I send a manual command to it using repetier or pronterface?